Roma Demand Actionable Strategy

The Government initiated the "Roma initiative" three years ago to achieve concrete results. The Public-NGO Dialogue Group for Roma aims to ensure the applicability of the Strategy Document prepared by the relevant ministries.

The Public-NGO Dialogue Group demands that the Roma issue be included in the 10th Development Program and that a budget be allocated. The President of the Zero Discrimination Association, Elmas Arus, who is the project manager of the Establishment of a Public-NGO Dialogue Group for Roma Project, provided information about the project to the AA reporter.

Arus stated that the project has been ongoing since January 2012 and aims to develop solutions for the rights-based, social, economic, cultural problems of Roma communities and prevent discrimination against them. The project also aims to contribute to the organization and representation processes of Roma NGOs. Arus explained that the project was supported by working groups consisting of public institutions and NGOs, with experts experienced in the field and representatives of exemplary institutions from Europe. ''The representatives of public institutions involved in the project are from the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Ministry of European Union Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Health, and the General Directorate of Turkish Employment Agency. We brought together the 'Dom' group in Diyarbakır, the 'Abdal' group in Gaziantep, the 'Lom' group in Artvin, and the 'Roma' groups in Manisa and Izmir.''

Arus emphasized that they participated in the workshop held by the Government on December 10, 2009, and that they have been involved since the beginning. She stated that with their efforts, they have acted as a kind of ''bridge'' in addressing the Roma issue. Arus explained that they brought together NGOs and public institutions in the project to enable the public sector to develop a general policy. She stated that joint working groups were formed in the fields of education, housing, health, and employment, and data were gathered to provide solution proposals. Arus reminded that a Strategy Document concerning the Roma was decided to be written at the end of the meetings between public institutions and NGOs, and she continued: ''The Public-NGO Dialogue Group aimed to influence the Strategy Document while raising awareness among public institutions and facilitating the local communication of NGOs to create solutions. The Public-NGO Dialogue Group creates a mechanism between both bureaucrats and local-level NGOs and the public. Last December, we held a two-day workshop, and we are awaiting the reports of this workshop. The outcomes of this workshop are important.''

Budget Request in Development Program

Arus emphasized the applicability of the Strategy Document, stating, ''As the Public-NGO Dialogue Group, we say that if a Roma strategy is being written, it should be applicable.'' Arus highlighted the importance of achieving concrete results rather than just saying ''We wrote a strategy for the Roma, we succeeded.'' She continued: ''The solution to this issue cannot be achieved solely with projects. We want the action plans in the Strategy Document to be applicable. Therefore, the Strategy Document should be written by the stakeholders as soon as possible, an applicable action plan should be prepared, the Roma issue should be included in the 10th Development Program, and a budget should be allocated. This is very important for us. If a program is written, it should also have a budget. This is where we are now. There is an awareness at the bureaucratic level. The Roma issue has a high impact at the centers. Efforts are being made. However, when you go to the remote provinces of Anatolia, this structure does not exist there. Therefore, to be applicable, awareness must also be created locally. For example, units dealing with this issue should exist at the governorate level. There should be a working group that includes NGOs and all relevant units. This working group should share the data it obtains with the Public-NGO Dialogue Group and the center, and act as an intermediary to deliver the policies formed at the center to this area. Therefore, a mechanism of the Public-NGO Dialogue Group should be established locally as well. We conveyed this demand to the relevant ministries. The governorates of Edirne, Bursa, and Manisa Diyarbakir are quite interested in this matter, but we want it to cover the 59 provinces where Roma live.''

''These Are Not Problems to Be Solved at the Desk''

The President of the Zero Discrimination Association, Elmas Arus, stated that the public sector also needs to conduct serious awareness work on the Roma initiative.

Arus noted that NGOs communicate information about the Roma to the public, but the public sector needs to engage more in the field. She added: ''These are not problems to be solved at the desk. There needs to be more intensive cooperation with NGOs. Additionally, efforts to strengthen the capacities of NGOs should be undertaken. The problems of the Roma need to be resolved quickly. The Roma are the biggest victims of urban transformation. On the other hand, there are problems in schools... In the short term, a rapid action plan needs to emerge. We think of the Strategy Plan as medium and long-term. But short-term, immediately actionable programs should also be developed.''

Arus argued that the Roma had been ignored for years, emphasizing the importance of the Roma initiative, its benefits, and the significant awareness it raised in society.


Source: Cumhuriyet Newspaper


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