Inclusive Language Workshop was held at Another Politics School.

Olof Palmes Internationella Center and ABF supported the "Another Politics School" organized by our association, where the Hrant Dink Foundation / Հրանդ Տինք Հիմնարկ conducted an Inclusive Language Workshop.
In the workshop, comprehensive discussions were held on the importance of using inclusive language in all segments of society.
Through examples of hate speech and discrimination, the workshop detailed how biases are fueled and the impact of these discourses on social life. Participants identified discriminatory language patterns frequently encountered in daily life and developed practical strategies to transform this language.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Hrant Dink Foundation Learning Programs Team members Nur Kaya, Liana Erişsever, and Aslı Yolcu for their contributions to "Another Politics School"!


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