Flashmob Against Roma Discrimination

As part of the International Solidarity Events with Roma, a flashmob event featuring Fehmiye Çelik from Kardeş Türküler and the group Tahribad-ı İsyan will take place at Tünel in Istanbul on October 5-6.

In the framework of the International Solidarity Events with Roma, a flashmob*, film screening, and discussion will be held in Istanbul on October 5-6.

EGAM (European Grassroots Antiracist Movement) leads the celebration of the Solidarity Day with Roma on October 5-6 in 15 countries across Europe.

This year, the Istanbul leg of the event will be held with the Social Change Association and Zero Discrimination Association.

The aim of the event is to raise awareness and draw attention to discrimination against Roma in Europe and Turkey.

Recently, while the democratization package includes regulations to improve the situation of Roma, their daily problems such as poverty, housing issues, unemployment, education problems, discrimination, and participation in social life continue.

In recent times, lynch attempts against Roma in İznik, a report by authorities in Bursa portraying Roma as a "threat" and "risk," and incidents of Roma children being isolated and discriminated against in a school in Çanakkale have been reflected in the media.

The organizers of the event state that these two examples are just a small glimpse of the daily issues faced by Roma in Turkey and call to "Stop" discrimination against Roma.

As part of the event, on Saturday, October 5, 2013, at 17:00, the documentary "Buçuk" depicting the lives of Gypsies in Turkey will be screened**.

After the screening, a discussion will be held with the director Elmas Arus about the documentary and the current issues of Roma in Turkey.

On Sunday, October 6, a musical flashmob featuring Fehmiye Çelik from Kardeş Türküler and the rap group Tahribad-ı İsyan, formed by the youth of Sulukule, will be held at Tünel at 14:00.

* Flashmob: FlashMob events involve people gathering unexpectedly in crowded public spaces to perform a predetermined action and then dispersing.

** Venue: Bağlam Publishing House Hall

Address: Meşrutiyet Caddesi, Avrupa Pasajı, No: 8, Floor: 2, Galatasaray – Beyoğlu / Istanbul

Source: Bianet



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