Association of Democracy Auditors – Leading Women Award Ceremony

Award to Elmas Arus, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zero Discrimination Association...
The ‘Leading Women Award’, given by the Association of Democracy Auditors to women who stand out with their achievements in sports, arts, politics, business, academia, civil society and media, was presented at a ceremony held on 8 March International Women's Day.
The ceremony started with a photo exhibition of women's life stories and was attended by Arzu Yıldız from T24, Aysun Sökmen from Gündönümü Farm, Ayşen Zamanpur from ZamanpurSilk&Cashmere, Director Elmas Arus from Zero Discrimination Association, İpek Soylu from ENKA Sports Club, Lale Ünaldı, Founder of Yüzyıl Işıl Schools and Education Volunteer, Nurten Öztürk from OPET, Rakel Dink from the International Hrant Dink Foundation, Serap Yazıcı from Şehir University, Sonay Dikkaya from NTV and Şebnem Korur Fincancı from Istanbul University received awards.


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